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Amaia Montero - Sabes
Álbum: Amaia Montero 2

SabesYou Know
Que te clavaste aquí en lo más profundo
Que no he querido a nadie en este mundo
Como te quise a ti en mi soledad
Sabes, sabes, sabes

Que hoy se cayeron todas las estrellas
Que mi mirada se ha quedado quieta
Que yo sin ti ya no sé caminar
Sabes, sabes, sabes

Pre coro:
Sabes que la luz se me apagó
Me arrancaste el corazón
Y hoy te pido poco a poco:
Miénteme y dime que vendrás
A buscarme una vez más
A la orilla del olvido

Sabes curarme en un beso
Hacerme distinta, llevándome lejos
Salvarme del mundo si el mundo no es bueno
Mirarme a los ojos hablando de amor

Decirme cantando que quieres conmigo
Andar por mi vida
Ser más que un amigo
Contigo mis días ya no tienen frío
Por ti vida mía, canto esta canción

Que soy adicta al resto de tus huesos
Que ya has jugado tanto con mi tiempo
Que no he sabido nunca si sabré
Sabes, sabes, sabes

Pre coro

Sabes que no miento
Déjame y lo intento
Ven conmigo a disfrutar
Siente ésto que siento
Piérdete un momento
No te pido nada más


You know
That you drove yourself here in the deepest bit
I have not wanted anyone in this world
As I wanted you in my loneliness
You know, you know, you know

You know
That all the stars fell today
That my gaze has remained calm
That without you I no longer know how to walk
You know, you know, you know

You know that the light went out for me
You tore out my heart
And today I am asking you bit by bit:
Lie to me and tell me that you will come
To find me once more
At the edge of oblivion

You know how to cure me with a kiss
To make me different, taking me far away
Saving me from the world if the world is not good
To look at my eyes speaking about love

To tell me in song that you want
To walk through my life with me
To be more than a friend
With you my days are no longer cold
For you my life, I am singing this song

You know
That I crave the rest of your bones (???)
That you have played with my time so much now
That I have never known if I will know
You know, you know, you know


You know that I am not lying
Leave me and I am trying it
Come with me to enjoy
Feel what I am feeling
Lose yourself for a moment
I ask nothing more


You know