Fantasma | Ghost |
No tornaré a estranyar-te Sabré com oblidar-te I esborraré la teva ombra La llum del meu somriure Em diu que torno a viure Sabré desfer-me de la cendra Però desprès Sabent que allò ja no ha de ser Si torno a recordar-te el cor pregunta: Com t'oblidaré? Estribillo: Com un fantasma t'amagues i et quedes I et sento i et respiro i t'espero i et penso I en el meu cor a cada cop que batego No trobo una raó ja no, ja no Com un fantasma que torna a cridar-me I t'escolto però voldria evitar-te, esborrar-te M'agradaria ser un estel i deixar-te Però encara queda amor, amor, amor. Com allunyar-te de mi? T'invento a cada estona No s'ha canviat l'escena Ets cada història en la memòria Si trobo la manera De veure l'optimisme Podré allunyar-me de l'abisme Estrofa 3 Estribillo Passa de llarg i sabré com ho haig de fer. Passa de llarg i potser t'oblidaré Estribillo |
I will not miss you again I will be able to forget you And I will erase your shadow The light of my smile Tells me that I am living again I will be able to rid myself of the ash But afterwards Knowing that that no longer has to be If I begin to remember you again, my heart asks: How will I forget you? Chorus: Like a ghost you hide and you stay And I hear you and I breathe you and I wait for you and I think of you And in my heart every time that I beat (???) I can no longer find a reason Like a ghost who comes back to call me And I listen to you but I would like to avoid you, to wipe you out I would like to be a star and leave you But love, love, love, still remains. How do I move you away from me? I picture you every moment The scene has not changed You are every story in my memory If I find the way Of seeing optimism I will be able to move away from the abyss Verse 3 Chorus Time goes by and I will know how I have to do it. Time goes by and perhaps I will forget you Chorus |