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Pastora - Semblava Mentida
Álbum: Una Altra Galàxia

Letra: Dolo Beltrán.
Música: Caïm Riba Pastor

Traducción en
Semblava MentidaIt Was Unbelievable
Era un dia qualsevol…
D'aquells que no tens ganes de res
Que surts al carrer i penses
“Això és el què sóc i això és el què he fet.”
M'assimilo i camino sense saber
Que just davant meu hi ha possibilitats

Semblava mentida
De cop tot canvia
I ja no et preguntis perquè

Era un dia perillós…
D'aquells que no saps on acabaràs.
Trepitjo el carrer i penso
“Això és el què som i això és el què fem.”
Ho assimilo i m'imagino sense un després
I just davant meu hi ha tant per triar


Era un dia qualsevol…
No vaig ni pensar ni ho vaig plantejar.
Estava capficada


I la vida és tan fàcil quan no penses en res…
Només deixa que passi el què havia de ser.
I ara em sento tan ximple de no haver-ho entès!


Semblava mentida
Tot ple d'energia
Només provocant, despertant i posant-hi interès
It was an ordinary day…
One of those where you have no desire for anything
Where you go out to the street and think
“This is what I am and this is what I have done.”
I am self-absorbed and I walk without knowing
That just in front of me there are possibilities

It was unbelievable
Suddenly everything changes
And you no longer ask yourself why

It was a perilous day…
One of those where you do not know where you will end up.
I tread the street and I think
“This is what we are and this is what we do.”
I absorb it and I imagine myself without an ‘after’
And just in front of me there is so much to choose


It was an ordinary day…
I am not going to think nor am I going to suggest it.
I was worried


And life is so easy when you do not think about anything…
Just let happen what has to be.
And now I feel so stupid for not having understood it!


It was unbelievable
Full of energy
Just provoking, awakening and putting interest there