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Russian folk songs - «Эсминец»

Эсминец «Суровый» на рейде стоял.
Матросы с родными прощались.
А море таило покой красоты
И где-то вдали исчезало

А там во садочку, где пел соловей
Он пел свою песню играя.
С девчонкой прощался моряк молодой
Надолго её покидая

Он обнял девчонку, подругу свою
Она как дитя зарыдала.
Два сердца слилися как будто в одно
И сразу дышать легче стало

На палубе боцман стоял и смотрел.
Смотрел и как будто смеялся.
Раздалась команда: Поднять якоря!
Свист боцмана резкий раздался

Он снял бескозырку, махнул ей рукой:
«Прощай, дорогая Маруся!
Вот скоро возьмём Севастополь родной
К тебе, дорогая вернуся»

«Ой нет не вернёшься, мой милый, назад.
Мне сердце давно предсказало.»
Слезу утирала дарёным платком.
Грустила, что мало любила

Напрасно подруга ждёт друга домой.
Ей скажут, она зарыдает.
А друг, он на вахте стоит у руля.
Простор голубой наблюдает
The destroyer ‘Suroviy’ was at anchor.
Sailors were saying good-bye to their folks.
And the sea was harbouring beauty's serenity
And vanishing somewhere in the distance

And there in a garden, where a nightingale was singing
He was singing his song while playing.
A young sailor was saying good-bye to a girl
Leaving her for a long time

He hugged the girl, his girlfriend.
She began to sob like a child.
Two hearts merged as though into one
And it immediately became easier to breathe

The boatswain was standing on the deck and watching.
He was watching and it was as though he was laughing.
A command rang out: Raise the anchors!
The boatswain's shrill whistle rang out

He took off his cap and waved (with his hand) to her:
“Farewell, dear Marusya!
As soon as we capture our own Sevastopol
I will return to you, dear”

“Oh no, you will not return back, my darling.
My heart foretold it to me long ago.”
She wiped away a tear with a gifted handkerchief.
She was sad that she was so little in love

The girlfriend waits in vain for her boyfriend to come home.
They will tell her and she will begin to sob.
And the boyfriend, he is standing on watch at the helm.
He is monitoring the blue expanse